Monday, January 10, 2011

On A Silver Platter

Ready to go Home?
Guess who's officially enrolled in Silvia Trkman's "Foundation for Excellence" workshop! Knight is!!! Finally got ahold of them today to confirm that I had a spot before mailing out the check. Last night I tried to call her but she couldn't hear me at all on the phone. Today she called me and it worked just fine.  I'm so excited, I can't believe this is actually going to happen :D

Here's a brief discription of the workshop: "Covers all foundational pieces that Silvia teaches in agility including handling, jumping, contacts and weaves poles. Appropriate for novice level
dogs or handlers looking to apply Silvia’s methods to their training program. Dogs should be able to do all obstacles."

It will be indoors, and from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. It sounds like there will be a lot of BCs there, I'm hoping some fellow pap owners go haha but we'll see. Please pray that Knight behaves while we're there.... I don't know if I mentioned it on blog, but he's gotten a tad.... snarly? with other dogs. Mostly when I'm holding him though, once his feet hit the ground it quiets down a good amount. Agility people are usually pretty good with respecting other handlers so I'm just going to turn down any requests for "doggy hellos". I'd really hate to get kicked out because my 5 lb dog is snapping at 30+ lb dogs.

The workshop is Tuesday, February 8th. That gives me a month to work out where I'm going to stay... Knight's breeder's house is the closest, she's just about 2 hours away from Richmond so I'll ask her first. I also have some friends in Baltimore that I'm sure would take me for a night or two so I should be pretty good on that front.

I'm also on the list for a private, they're taking place on February 13th. I'm waiting for more details on that. If I get in I'll be bringing Lilly along aswell :)

In non-dog news, I worked out the classes I hope to take to finish up the rest of my credits. Here we go:
-Intro to Screenwriting (.5)
-Intro to Short Stories (.5)
-Intro to College writing (.5)
-Sociology (.5)
-Introduction to law (.5)
-Criminal and consumer law (.5)
-Buisness Math (1)
-Cinematic Review (.5)
-Latin 2 (1)
-Emerging Genetics (.25)
-Forensics (.25)
-Marketing/Advertising (.5)
-Money Management (.5)
-Intro to computer programing (1)
-Premiere 1 (1)

Plus the classes I'm currently enrolled in. When I write it all out like that it seems like a really odd selection of classes... It breaks down to: English credits, Social Studies, Math, Fine Arts, Electives. I'll have to double check with my IS. I might of forgotten some credits I already have... but better to overplan now then add more later. In May I'll be done all 3 of the science credits.

I have lots of writing classes because my older sister was constantly writing papers for college.... I hate writing papers D: So might as well get over my hatred now and learn to write something half-way decent.

I'm also going to start calling local boarding kennels toward the end of Feb and see if anyone is hiring. I haven't told my parents about my KPA plans so I need to have enough set aside for it if they decide they don't want to pay for it. They're paying for my college, the least I can do is pay for furthering my canine education. There's also a Suzanne Clothier CARAT (Clothier Animal Response Assesment Tool) seminar coming up in November 2011 that I'd like to go to. Suzanne is big on Relationship Centered Training, I've read a few of her articles and she seems very interesting. So I'd like to set aside some money for that too.

With so much to do its easy to forget to stop and enjoy the little things in life. Lil kindly reminded me I was spending way too much time working, so I drove the paps over to the park for a nice long walk. There's nothing more enjoyable on a cold day in January than watching my paps chasing each other around in the snow :)


  1. Ooo! I'm excited for you!! :D I'm sure you'll spam us with pictures and videos?!

    & Mot tends to be the same way with other dogs... she's okay with them, it's just when they get in her face, she'll give low growls and if they don't back off, she nips at the air between her and the other dog. :c

    ahhh I want to take forensics, they haven't put it as a lab class yet for us, it's just an elective.
    Ohh Latin, that sounds interesting! I love languages, I know three fluently (well, local fluency haha)
    Lilly is such a good girl.
